Our services

We value long-term relationships with our clients. Even after project completion, we provide ongoing support, system maintenance, and upgrades to ensure our solutions continue to deliver value in the ever-evolving business landscape

ERP Solution

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in implementing and customizing ERP solutions. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique business requirements, identify pain points, and design tailor-made ERP solutions that align with their goals and objectives. Whether it's implementing an ERP system from scratch, upgrading an existing system, or integrating additional modules, our consultants possess the technical prowess and industry expertise to deliver exceptional results


Professional consultants

All of our consultants have specialist experience in variaty of business processes.


In-house tools available

All of our consulting packages come with our in-house tools.


Consultations made

Last year, our team was able to help over 50 clients.

ERP Customization

We understand that each business is unique, and therefore, we believe in delivering tailor-made solutions. Our consultants work closely with clients to design solutions that meet their specific needs, align with their existing systems, and cater to their industry requirements


Functional consultants

All of our consultants have specialist experience in variaty of business processes.


Technical and Developers

Developers and architects specialized in customizing and migrating multiple ERP solutions


Application customization

Our team was able to implemented over 500 custom objects.

ERP Integration

Implementing an ERP solution or setting up a data analytics framework can be a complex process. However, our consultants excel in ensuring smooth integration with minimal disruption to daily operations. We handle all aspects, from system configuration and data migration to staff training and post-implementation support


Legacy Systems

Our consultant team have managed to integrate more than 150 legacy system into ERPs


Business apps

Technical and Functional integration with more than 20 business systems with ERPs


Data Migration

Data mapping and migration for more than 600 data bases and mpore than 10Tb of business data

Data Infrastructure & Engineering

You might have the best product or service in the world, but if you can't effectively organize your data and other information technology infrastructures, you could be missing out on opportunities. Our data engineers help you understand and implement the right infrastructure solution for your brand and business, ensuring all teams have the knowledge to operate the right databases.



All of our data engineers are Boston University graduates.


Systems engineered

We've worked with clients from all walks of life, from tech to agriculture.


Ongoing projects

We keep in touch with our clients and offer ongoing support.

Data Analytics

Effective data analysis helps businesses of all sizes to save money, see the bigger market trends and streamline internal processes. Our team helps you identify the data streams you should be tracking and following, and sets up processes and visualization tools to help you make sense of the data. From one-off consultation to ongoing partnerships, our data analysts are available on short notice to help you steer your business to the right direction.



Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data.


Companies analyzed

Last year, we were able to help nearly 50 companies.


Dollars saved in a day

Our consultants were able to save our client $130k in a day.

Data Visualization

You've got the data, but struggle in visualizing the market changes and consumer behavior? We've got your back. Our in-house team of UI/UX designers ensure that all data, no matter how complex, can be displayed through visualization tools in ways that actually make sense to shareholders at a glance.


UI/UX designers

Our designers have an extensive background in data analysis.


Visualizations made

From presentations to marketing materials and beyond.


Ongoing projects

Data changes, but our team stands by your side when you need us.

We’ve helped them

We've partnered with many household brand names to deliver insights and solutions to their problems with big data.

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.